stay-at-home mother to entrepreneurship.

Stay at home mother to entrepreneurship

One may ask how it feels to be an at-home mother, and how’s the experience thus far?

To be honest, it feels free. I consider it to be a privilege that I certainly do not take for granted. Do I always feel amazing? I’m sure not. However, I love what I do.

I am approaching 2 years since deciding the workplace is not for me. To this day I do not regret my decision. Would I have chosen the workplace had I not had kids? Ummm… I’m not sure, that’s a whole other person to speak for. I mean, the answer could be yes, or it could be no.

Once you become a parent, it changes you, in ways you never could have imagined. Your main priority now becomes the child or children, and providing care for them in the best way possible. It’s a wonderful experience. There are ups and downs, but I’ve grown to understand that’s a part of life, and it is what helps to shape us for the next stages of our lives.

Stay at home mother to entrepreneurship

Having a career is great, and it is even better when you do what you love. That’s a lot of us dream right, doing what we love while getting paid. On the flip side, some of us work jobs and do not love what we do, but those bills need to be paid, which is understandable. Hence the reason I do not take for granted the time to be at home with my kids.

I look at motherhood as a period of growth in one’s life, it allows you to step out of your comfort zone. In my case, I had to. I never a day thought I’d become an entrepreneur. That word would usually come to my mind like fog on a windscreen, and I’d usually quickly wipe it away. I never quite understood the importance of owning a business because the goal was to become employed. The word entrepreneur grew on me after deciding the workplace is not for me which resulted in me reading more entrepreneurial books and self-development books. What the heck! I even surprised myself.

Motherhood changed my point of view when it came to taking a different approach to achieving the same goals. If I am not working it means no income. Of course, I need an income, I’ve got one, (back then), and now two young ones to take care of. Their father will always play his role, but to achieve set goals I needed a source of income. Once I quit my job I began taking trading and investing seriously, (Please DO NOT do this if you are considering. Take it seriously before quitting). I  had to realize trading is the “job” that will allow me to have the lifestyle I wanted for myself and my kids.

The year is now 2023, Am I still an active trader? Of course. It is a rewarding skill and I do not see myself slowing down anytime soon. I can see great things ahead coming from me for a community of like-minded individuals like myself. My goal is to use myself as an example to show other females they can be financially successful all while being a homemaker. If being at home is their dream.

For mothers wanting to be at home with their kids yet earn an income, I’ll certainly advise taking a step outside their comfort zone. I suggest you do some research on what you can do at home to gain an income. In some cases, you are already good in some area of your life, you can monetize whatever that area is. I wholeheartedly agree that the best thing a woman can do for her child, or children, is to be at home providing them with all the care and attention they require.

Too often children are neglected due to our absence from the home, while spending more time at the workplace.  

Danicker Virgil

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