Move on.

Move on

Moving on from a relationship that involves kids, is not a decision one can make easily because there are so many things to consider. When you’re in what is considered to be the honeymoon stages of a relationship, you’re highly convinced you’re in love. It’s new, it’s fresh, and it’s what you think is right, so you convince yourself you’re in love. Don’t get me wrong though, some of us are actually in love, and I genuinely love that. It really is special, when the feeling is mutual. But why did no one tell me it takes more than love? I can love, but, is the feeling mutual though?

Choosing your person to be in a committed relationship with, is a decision that seriously needs to be considered. It is just as important to who you are deciding to have your kids with.  Being in a committed long-term relationship, resulted in the birth of two lovely kids. This relationship surely was not all smooth, then bumps. It’s the kind where you know from early on, that it is going to take some serious compromising and commitment for it to work. The kind that really tests your love.

I’ve realized I prefer to be in an environment where my need to constantly evolve is welcomed. I prefer to push my limits and challenge myself. I desire to be better than I was last week. I welcome growth. Knowing when to surrender and allow God to take control.  There’s honestly no bad blood, but choosing peace, happiness, and learning to surrender and have faith in God’s will, is what was necessary. My main focus is to continue working on myself to have the right attitude and posture to achieve my goals.

Our relationship has definitely been a lot more peaceful. We communicate better and there are more boundaries. I honestly hate separation. I love a strong union and I love choosing love. But I’d rather the kids see us separated and getting along well. Rather than together and miserable.

I strongly believe It is important for both parents to maintain a healthy relationship, so kids can see there is love regardless. Even when it means putting our, adult feelings aside. There’s no need for drama. I’ll never advise anyone on putting that sort of energy out there.

In our community, I wish there were more elders to guide “us” and root for “us” when a relationship is still worth fighting for. Elders who you can actually seek advice from because they’ve been in the same predicament and came out strong.

I had to realize seeking advice, especially from others who aren’t where I aim to be, is not what I needed.

Move o

Looking back to who I was at the beginning of the relationship, I’ve grown a lot with new interests. Danicker is constantly growing.

Danicker Virgil
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