Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide

Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide
Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide

Motherhood is a fragile journey that a female will embark on during her lifetime. Every female experience during motherhood is different; how I experience motherhood is completely different when compared to my sisters’ experience, my mom, my high school friend, and even you. However, we all share the same journey, which is motherhood. Upon becoming a mother, our new goal is to now take care of someone other than ourselves, who greatly needs our attention. Not to mention, not having a community can become an uphill battle for both you and your newest addition. Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide was written for you by a mother who can relate to you, during your motherhood journey.

This guide entails

Definition Of Motherhood.
Importance Of Motherhood.
Why You Need A Community.
Enjoying Motherhood.
Motherhood As Told By A Mother.
Benefits Of A Stay-at-home Mom.
Books To Read On Your Motherhood Journey.
YouTube Channels That Might Be Relatable To You On Your Motherhood Journey.
Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide Conclusion.

Definition Of Motherhood.

According to, “A female enters motherhood at the moment when she becomes a mother. This usually occurs when her child is born. In addition, a female can also begin her motherhood journey through the adoption of a child, or by marrying someone who has a child”.

Importance Of Motherhood.

Motherhood is of significant importance to mothers because they’re now responsible for providing care for someone else. This care occurs over a given period of time or in some cases, for a lifetime. As a female grows in motherhood, the importance of time management now becomes a part of her daily lifestyle. If she is not carefully balancing the need to care for herself, and her infant, as well as her daily lifestyle activities, she can begin to lose herself in motherhood.

Motherhood is a journey that teaches a female how to establish balance. The balance between caring for another and living her daily life. Caring for someone who cannot yet communicate their needs effectively requires patience. Patience to learn your baby’s cues and satisfy their every need on demand.

Developing a selfless attitude is a rewarding trait during motherhood. It not only benefits your journey through motherhood, but it also builds your character and the need to care for others. Just as she wants what is best for her infant, her perspective about the world around her changes more than ever, and she also now desires the best for others.

Motherhood is important to a female just as it is to her infant because it gives them both a new beginning. The child depends on you, the mother to be their main carer; providing comfort when needed, providing meals, bath time, becoming their play buddy, etc. You have one job, and that is to be the best mother you can be to the child who depends on you.

Why You Need A Community.

Having a community for support as you enter motherhood and throughout motherhood is very important for new mothers. You might be thinking you can do it all alone, and I believe you can. But as much as we feel that way (yes I can relate), it is important for mothers to accept help from others who are willing to support them. After all, when we learn to accept help, we also become a help to others.

This online space was created with you in mind. Please subscribe to my email list once you scroll down on the page so that we can learn and grow together. (there’s no spamming because we do not like receiving spam).

Enjoying Motherhood.

Motherhood is not a one-time sport it is a lifetime sport and you were called to play that sport. As the child grows you will gain new experiences. At each stage of their life, your skill set for providing care in different ways will enhance. When they’re at the infant level, they require the most from you. But as they become a toddler, they gradually begin to gain their independence by doing things, and making decisions for themselves that was once required by you.

From the fetus stage right up to old age, motherhood teaches us that there are various levels in life. Since each level occurs only once, we as mothers can enjoy each level as it occurs. The older a child becomes the less they depend on you the mother to manage their daily needs. This is a bittersweet moment because as much as you’re happy they’re gaining their independence; it also means you are becoming less responsible.

Motherhood is meant to be enjoyed. Each day brings forth new experiences. Although you might be becoming less responsible, your motherhood journey still continues. What was once considered physically demanding has now improved and the need for you to be childlike comes into play. Then the need for you to become a good listener, which is great for both of you because as much as kids require us to listen to them; their need enhances our listening skills. Emotional support will be needed more than ever as they grow to figure out life.

Each level has its ups and downs but it would be more rewarding to us mothers when we keep the Creator in the midst of our motherhood journey.

Motherhood As Told By A Mother.

Life update being a Mother to 2 and What I have been dealing with, are two relevant posts of my experience thus far in motherhood. As humans we’re designed to learn and grow, and we can learn from every experience in life. I’ve never felt more awakened in my life prior to motherhood. Although I am an optimist, I am uncertain about the length of time I will have in motherhood and that uncertainty has led me to embrace my motherhood journey as it occurs daily. The journey is not what I imagined; it’s not hard but it’s definitely challenging, but I allow God to be my guide since it became overwhelming when I tried to do it alone.

Benefits of Stay-at-home Mom.

I am a fan of being a stay-at-home mom but I also believe you should do what works best for you. Here are the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom;

  • You have time to learn a new skill such as this one.
  • You have the opportunity to home-school.
  • You experience those important milestones in your child’s life.
  • You can start any business, such as a blog/writing business.
  • You have freedom; you plan each day based on your daily goals.
  • You are available for your kids when they need you.
  • You are able to better manage your home.

Books To Read On Your Motherhood Journey.

Praying Circles Around Your Children.

The Magic Of Motherhood: The Good Stuff, The Hard Stuff, and Everything In Between.

Create Anyway: The Joy Of Pursuing Creativity In The Margins Of Motherhood.

The Purpose-Driven Life.

Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness For Busy Moms.

YouTube Channels That Might Be Relatable To You On Your Motherhood Journey.

Maya Graves.

The Short Family.

Bethany Fontaine.

Dreka Gates.

and of course the official YouTube channel for Danicker Virgil. it’s a work in progress, but you might want to stick around by subscribing to the channel.

Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide Conclusion.

In conclusion, motherhood is an important stage of a female’s life. It is important because you are not only responsible for yourself, but you are also responsible for someone else’s. From the moment a female enters motherhood, it becomes a part of her journey throughout life. It is a lifelong journey that is filled with both ups and downs. Having a community such as this one, or a community of your choice, can make your experience much more enjoyable on your journey. In addition to communities; hearing from other mothers, through books or videos can reassure you, that you are not alone on your journey and it is quite normal to learn from others.

I trust that Motherhood: The Ultimate Guide exceeded your expectations and you are now filled with value and inspiration.

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