Living in purpose through motherhood.

living in purpose through motherhood

Lately, my mind has been preoccupied with the topic of living in purpose. When the mind ponders, there are questions involved.

“How do we know for a fact we’re living in purpose? If this is what God wants me to do in this season, why does the journey feel questionable?”

I’ve rested on the belief that when you’re living in purpose, it does not always feel satisfying, but as the picture comes together, it eventually starts to make sense.

There are some who believe we’re all here by coincidence. While I do not agree with that belief, I would not mind hearing their thought regarding their belief. There’s always a reason if you ask me.

We all have purposes.

I believe we all were chosen to be here to fulfill our individual purposes, in our own way; but for a collective purpose. Which is to encourage each other to have a close relationship with our Creator while also living accordingly.

My understanding is that we have many purposes to fulfill throughout our lifetime. however, those many would eventually lead us to fulfill our main purpose.

Although I am pretty sure it’s not meant to be a big deal, in the way I am making it to be; It has been on my mind while being on this motherhood journey.

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The urge to stay at home with kids was not my selfish needs.

At the time of the decision, back in 2021, it felt like an enlightenment in motherhood. The job I had, I prayed for it, and I got it. But somewhere early on, along that journey, I decided to surrender to the urge I was having. While also taking into consideration, it was in alignment with the reality I envisioned for the kids.

If you read this post, you’ll understand my journey has not been easy thus far. But I’m learning to be patient, in addition to other lessons.

At this time in life, I do not know for a fact if I am living in purpose through motherhood, by being a stay-at-home mother, but I strongly believe I am.

Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ”.

Our babies no matter the circumstances, were gifted to us from our Creator.

Psalms 127: 3 says, “Children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward”.

Choosing to obey God and live in purpose is not always easy, it takes away our selfish desires, and it humbles us.

Speaking of humble; I found myself crying the other day because I just could not verbally respond how I wanted to, or how I usually would. I had to control myself, which I did, but it hurt in the moment.

Romans 8:28 states, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose”.

Knowing my situation, it is a great example of this scripture. All things are working together for good, I am witnessing it daily. But it is not occurring how I envisioned it, to occur.

At times, I do not want to be a stay-at-home mother. There are days I prefer returning to the workplace.

But, Proverbs 19:21 says, “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless, the council of the lord that shall stand”.

Every time I consider going back, to what seems to be easier, I’m always faced with a divine message. That makes it almost impossible to ignore.

I once held the belief that when you’re living in your purpose the journey would be smooth.

But throughout the scriptures, I’ve realized the opposite. We see it in Matthew 26:39 which states, “And he went a little further and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my father, if it be possible, let the cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

He being God, worked miracles and CAPABLE OF ANYTHING. yet asking for his forthcoming tribulations, to be passed from him if possible…

I love that scripture because it reflects the human nature. Yet still in all this, He humbled himself to fulfill his purpose.

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If you’re on your parenting or motherhood journey, as well as being a stay-at-home.

I hope this message inspires you to keep living in purpose, through motherhood.

Danicker Virgil
Living in purpose through motherhood

Would I recommend becoming a stay-at-home mother?