10 Self Help Books You Should Read

Below I have listed 10 self-help books you should read. Side note: You shouldn’t have to do anything. I really should title this, “10 self-help books I recommend”. Nevertheless, I have listed my top 5 followed by 5 great reads, you should read. The writing style of some of these books may seem somewhat ignorant or inconsiderate to you.

Sometimes bad things happen to us in life, even before we reach adult age to really understand the power of the mind. In such instances, I don’t think we attract these outcomes.

Regardless of what bad that may have occurred in our life. I believe we have the power to make a difference for ourselves going forward. It is not easy, at times, but I believe, it is worth it.

The 10 Self Help Books You Should Read


Rich Dad Poor Dad – By Robert T. Kiyosaki

Personal perspective

This is a good book that everyone should read. Robert spoke about the differences in mindset between the “Rich Dad” and the “Poor Dad”. He used these terms mainly refering to their mindset. The “Rich Dad” focuses on financial literacy, and investing in assets. Where as, the “Poor Dad” who’s main focus is to go to school, get an education inorder to get a high paying job, focuses on liability. The author encourages working to learn as apose to working for money. You can see here the author also spoke about how and why the rich pays less tax than the poor or middle class. 

Rich Dad Poor Dad is an easy read, surely one of the best self-help books I have came across.  It has more to do with the state of mind and less on practical ways in which you can adapt. However, the knowledge it presents is one that can last a lifetime.


The Secret – By Rhonda Byrne

Personal perspective

The Secret  surrounds positivity and upliftment. It has to do with Law of Attraction which I love because I do believe we are the co-creators of our life, which is basically what this book implies.

Our mind is powerful, therefore, according to the book, what we think is what we attract into our life. If you think about negativity you will attract that, likewise, if you think about positivity you will attract positivity into your life.  It is a great self-help book that gives tips on how to think to create a postive happy mindset in turn attracting all we desire.

The author may seem somewhat repititive. In addition, it may get confusing to you while reading. Nevertheless, it is a great introduction to Law of Attraction. The Secret is one of those books you can go back to time and time again and never gets old because we use our minds daily.


As A Man Thinketh – By James Allen

Personal perspective

This is one of those older books, it was written in 1903 I believe.  As A Man Thinketh is exactly what it says. It has to do with mindset and your thoughts. It teaches us that we are the master of our mind and our thoughts is a powerful “tool”  we can use to shape our reality, in addition to discovering our purpose, having a vision, and putting in the work. In other words, what we are, is what we attract. One of the reasons why I love this book, and it is one of my go-to’s, it’s because the author had a tough childhood and speak from experience, which is something I can really relate to. 

It is a great read and I highly recommend it. I do believe we as individuals have control over our mind, therefore how we use it will determine the manner in which we go after our goals, how we view others, how we respond to others and circumstances, and so on.


The Power Of Now – By Eckhart Tolle

Personal perspective

The Power Of Now encourages living in the present moment. All we have is the present moment now. What happened in the past is gone (acceptance). The moment you are reading this is exactly what you have. Instead of worrying about what the future will be like if you do x,y or z, focus on what you can do now.

Be grateful for the present moment and be intentional about living in it. The Power Of Now is also one of those books that has to do with the mind and thoughts, but the author teaches us to be aware and engaged solely in the present moment. It teaches us to take control of our life by being present.

According to the author, When this is done we create less suffering for ourselves as most of our suffering comes from something in the past or something we’re worrying about regarding the future. This book has definitely helped me with my meditation practices, it is a Gem. The way in which Eckhart Tolle spoke in this book causes you to be submerged in the teaching.  


You Are A Bad A** – By Jen Sincero

Personal perspective

You Are A Bad A** is about self-empowerment. Realising who we are and living in our true potential. It is a really good book that give tips on how to be a Bad A** by tapping into our greatness, by LOVING OURSELVES, by believing in ourself. It is motivating, and reminds us to get over our doubts and fears by facing them.

Jen Sincero spoke from her experiences, her style of writing and her tone in this book is one that is relatable. She’s blunt and I love that, which I believe was absolutely necessary. You Are A Bad A** can take you from a bad place in your life, to you saying, you know what, I GOT THIS!

I strongly recommend this book. It is not teaching us something that we do not know, but instead reminding us of our own greatness.



The Richest Man In Babylon â€“ By George S. Clason

Personal perspective

The Richest Man In Babylon is an excellent start for you if you want to learn how to manage your money and grow wealth. The Richest Man In Babylon is one of those easy reads that can probably be completed in a day. George S. Clason gave financial advice which we all can implement in our life to better manage our financial situations. 

His first cure is saving atleast 10% of our income no matter how small it may be which he also refer to as paying ourself first. The book is filled with 6 other cures to a lean purse each of which he elaborates on. 

The Richest Man In Babylon was published in 1926, and takes on a more parable style of writing. The Information in this book is very applicable which makes it an excellent read.

“proper preparation is the key to our success. Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding” 


The 10 Pillars Of Wealth – By Alex Becker

Personal perspective

The 10 Pillars Of Wealth was written by Alex Becker, In this book he gave 10 points on how to become wealthy. 

What I love about this book is how he breaks down each pillar to give readers a better guide.  I believe it is beneficial. I’ve even went on to make notes on all the pillars so that I can implement each into my life.

This book is similar to The Richest Man In Babylon in that the author gave steps to take. It is also similar to The 10X Rule, and, probably The Millionaire Fastlane. I could be wrong. It is a practical book and each principle can be actively implemented.  


Think And Grow Rich – By Napoleon Hill

Personal perspective

Think and Grow Rich another great self-help book. Napoleon interviewed some of the greatest successful people to find out their key to success which is what he then combined into this book of 13 principles.

The concept of this book is to practice all the principles listed in order to achieve success and better one’s life. However, that is not all,  In order to achieve great success the right mentality is needed. This is where this book comes in as a guide to help  you on your road to riches. 

“Every adversity, every failure, every heart break, caries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit”  


Becoming A Person Of Influence – By John C. Maxwell

Personal perspective

Becoming a Person of Influence by John C. Maxwell and Jim Dorman, helps develop our leadership skills. It teaches us how to become better leaders in order to have the ability to positively influence others.

When you think about good leadership the author/s gave principles of a good leader and how to become one. I highly recommend this book, it does not disappoint, nor does it stray off topic, it is on point and acts as a personal guide to becoming a better leader and someone of influence.

“If you run well but are unable to pass the baton to another runner, you loose the race”  by far one of my favourite quotes from this book.


The Intelligent Investor – By Benjamin Graham

Personal perspective

If you are into investing, you should read this book. Benjamin who was also an investor himself gave strategies on how to be a successful investor. It is beginner friendly and breaks down all we need to know when it comes to value investing.

In this book the author Benjamin Graham spoke about ETF’s & Index Funds, Bonds, Stocks, Types of Investors and all other things investment related. It isn’t the easiest to read in my opinion.

However, it is worth the read, and is one of the best investment books i’ve read thus far. 

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