30 Questions to answer to know yourself better

I challenge you to answer these questions in your personal journal.  These are 30 questions to answer to know yourself better. There is no need to rush, you can take your time, as these questions can be answered over a period of 30 days.     

When you are through, share these questions with family and friends to get their reactions and see how much they know themself. 

This activity is meant to be a fun self-realization activity to determine how much you know about yourself. After answering these questions, you may be surprised by your responses. Most likely you will learn something new about yourself that you did not know.

30 Questions to answer to know yourself better


  1. Which do you consider to be most important, family life or career?
  1. Are you and introvert or and extrovert?
  1. List 3 of your main values in life?
  1. What is your favorite pet?
  1. Homeschool or traditional school?
  1. What are your values when it comes to your home or personal space?
  1. Name your favorite tv show or movie?
  1. What are your top 3 personality traits?
  1. List 3 of your self-care practices?
  1. What traits do you value the most in others?
Congrats! you have answered 10 questions about yourself . I hope that was not as difficult as you thought. Keep going!
  1. What are your expectations when in a relationship?
  1. State your love language? If you are unsure, you can take 5lovelanguages.com free quiz
  1. What are some activities you enjoy doing in your spare time?
  1. When in a relationship, do you prefer to; (a) move in with your partner. (b) your partner moves in with you. (c) you both find a living space together. (d) live separately. (e) live with parent/s.
  1. List 3 countries you would love to visit?
  1. What makes you sad?
  1. What makes you happy?
  1. In a relationship, do you prefer gifts or quality time?
  1. How do you stay motivated?
  1. Big parties or small gatherings?
Please tell me i have not bored you. we’re almost finished.
  1. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  1. In life, What do you consider success to be?
  1. Are you a planner or a spontaneous? 
  1. Would you rather to personally give to the poor and needy? Or donate to a cause?
  1. Do you believe in astrology? If yes, have you looked at your birth chart? What is your sun, moon, and rising sign? 
  1. Do you know your life part number? If not, this article by Kerry Ward on Cosmopolitan can help you.
  1. Are you someone who prefers to learn from others mistakes, or, do you prefer to have your own experience?
  1. Read the article or watch the video?
  1. What are your top 3 skills?
  1. Do you prefer to do something you enjoy or do something because the income is high?
and you have finally made it. I Trust that these questions was of great benefit to you. Please remember to share with someone and help them discover something new about themself today.
30Question to answer to know yourself better.

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