Organize these for more clarity in your life

Navigating through life can be overwhelming at times, especially when there are certain areas of our life that need decluttering. We don’t necessarily realize this, but the daunting effect it has on our daily life is enough for us to take action. In this post, I have given you some things to organize in your life for more clarity which in turn makes your lifestyle a lot simpler.

I am so one to hold on to memories, I enjoy looking back and reflecting. Some memories are just everlasting and never get old. I also once loved holding on to things because each item held memory to it.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve learned the importance of letting go of the things that aren’t relevant to my growth. I have come to love living a simple lifestyle by prioritizing and organizing more and letting go of all things that no longer serve me.

I declutter on a regular basis and I enjoy doing so mainly with the full moon. The full moon is the fifth phase of the lunar cycle and it is said to be a great time for letting go. (This is really just me finding a way to incorperate the moon in my cleaning routine, simply because I think the moon is cool, and has some level of power).

Frequent decluttering and organizing have made my life and my decisions a lot easier. I am able to be fully focused on what is important to move forward in life and what is contributing to my growth as an individual being.

Some things to Organize To Achieve more Clarity In your life.

Cooking Ingredients.

I’ve learned less is more when it comes to the ingredients I cook with. I enjoy eating a cleaner meal and using natural ingredients that aren’t heavily processed. This makes it easier when preparing meals and what I consider to be a healthier alternative for nourishing the body. I have found by doing this, makes me feel at peace because I am aware of the food I use to nourish my body.


Ok, so anyone who knows me knows how much I do not play when it comes to my bedroom. The bedroom is my safe place. I consider my bedroom a sacred place in the home. Having just any random items in it, is a complete, no no for me. I try to keep it REALLY SIMPLE in the bedroom because I believe it should be a place of peace with limited distractions and clutter.

I am all for the wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. It is in my opinion that items hold energy therefore I ensure to maintain a clean environment in the bedroom at all times. This gives me comfort and allows me to rest better and think clearer knowing there isn’t too much going on.

Bare in mind though, the bedroom can be clean but still consist of clutter. So when I used the phrase, a clean environment earlier, I am saying, no clutter and only items necessary for the bedroom.


It is fulfilling to be able to decorate our homes with the finer things in life, or with the things we love. A home is a place where items are stored, some of which can really become clutter to the space within the home. I treat the home similarly to how I treat the bedroom by having minimal and necessary items only.

I think it is absolutely necessary to maintain a decluttered home, this makes the environment feel inviting, light, calming, and peaceful. Being a mother I have found that I do not fancy purchasing toys for my young one unless it is educational and very necessary. Seeing toys lying all over is something I cannot deal with, which has made me realize I need to create a playroom.

Even so, I will continue purchasing educational and necessary toys only. By doing this I will avoid having a bunch of toys that have no significant meaning to them yet take up space within the home.

Mobile Phone.

We all probably got some random trash we’re holding on to in our mobile phones, that are not serving us on a positive level and have no valuable meaning in our life. From messages, to photos, to contacts. Not only can they take up space and slow down our devices, but they can also have the same effect on our life.

One book I’ve read which has taught me to bask in the present moment is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I have since learned the importance of living in the present. It isn’t always easy to do so, however, by removing old messages, decluttering and organizing my photos, sorting my phone using a color scheme, and having only important apps, has not only made navigating through my phone a lot easier and up to date, but it has also made my phone aesthetically pleasing.

I encourage you to start organizing these things for more clarity in your life if you want to live a simpler lifestyle.

Organize these for more clarity in your life

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