My birth Story

My birth story vol I. To my dearest daughters Destiney and Lunar.

My feisty Destiney,🤍 you are one of the main reasons I am the woman and mother I am today. Dreams really do come true; you may hear that statement a lot throughout your lifetime but even if you have no belief in it, I want you to know you were once a Dream.

Once I decided I was ready to become a mother, I started picturing myself as one. I would play with my stomach daily and visualize a tiny human being, being in there, and when I say daily I am not exaggerating. No matter what I was doing; from showering, to eating, to sleeping, to looking at myself in the mirror. When the day came, that thought was always in my mind. I literally started behaving like you were there already, which caused me to be gentler with my body. It is somewhat funny to think of now that I am actually writing this post, (some might even say crazy). Back then I really did not know crap, all I knew is that there was a strong desire to be a mother. The power of the mind is so real.

My Birth Story | Danicker Virgil
A dream came through.

Constantly doing all that I have mentioned, I started noticing a lot of women that were pregnant, while I was randomly scrolling through Instagram or going about my daily life. Women who were either pregnant, or who had recently given birth. The joy I experienced from seeing this overwhelmed my heart in a positive way. I felt like I had already accomplished what I desired and with the joy it brought me, I enjoyed scrolling through Instagram frequently.

Mind you, I’m not speaking overnight, this was like a couple of months and counting, I’ve been feeling like this…  Again! I never knew crap! and what I mean by this is that I mainly read fantasy books back then, and I wrote in my journal rarely. To be transparent here, I never knew what manifestation was. It is amazing how God works. I prayed for something and I believed it would happen. It’s awesome how the Universe, and the mind work. I haven’t stopped smiling since writing this post.

My positive HCG TEST.

You truly can have anything you desire in this life. You just have to believe you deserve whatever that is, and put all your energy into bringing it to reality. I was not actively trying. (full transparency is absolutely necessary). I am in tune with myself so I know “my days” very well, in my case, it did not take much effort. Most of the work was done in my mind I would say. In March 2018, I took a rapid hCG test at home. I do not know how I would have felt if I did not see what I wanted to see but I am forever grateful the result was one of the most pleasing things to look at. You entered my life at the perfect time.

To my fellow readers, my heart goes out to mothers, aspiring mothers, mothers who have lost, and mothers who have mothered children, or a child that isn’t theirs. And also to the women who do not desire to become mothers.

Whoever you are, I hope this post inspires you to never stop dreaming.

My Birth Story | Danicker Virgil

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My birth story; A letter to my daughters.

My birth story; A letter to my daughters’ vol II.