What I Have Been Dealing with.

This space has not been getting the attention it “deserves”. Let me just start by saying, being a stay-at-home mother is no joke, and if you thought that was cool, wait till your child reaches toddler age. The big question is what have I been dealing with lately? To be quite honest, lately, I’ve been feeling low. Being an at-home mother, navigating a broken relationship, and trying to achieve set goals before year-end, all have me in a tight chokehold.

But I’m not complaining though. It’s all happening for me, and not, to me. Growth isn’t the prettiest always, and it sure as hell gets lonely. Speaking of lonely, did I even mention how lone-ly, being a stay-at-home mother actually is? I mean what the heck! How did I get the nerve? Each day is different. Today I might wake up feeling like a wonder woman, like I’ve got all my ish together.

The following day I may wake up, trying to connect the dots while questioning everything. It is more so my mind, I put a lot of pressure on myself when things is not going the way I imagined. But that is the lesson. Things isn’t always going to work out how I imagine. There comes a time when we have to surrender to God, and not try to control every detail in our life. (I guess that’s why this feels like a struggle).

I have been adjusting to living through the process and allowing things to unfold the way it is meant to, instead of getting anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed.

Motherhood Recap.

Being a new mother, once again, has definitely taken a toll on me, once again. Since my kids are with me 24/7, I love it when I get some “me” time. However, trusting others with my kids is not something that comes easy for me. I literally find it hard to go anywhere without my kids. Am I the only one like this? At this point, they are like my necessary accessory.

They keep me sane, I guess. My youngest is moving so fast. I started potty training at 3 months ( #EC), and that has been going great actually. My young one is sitting without support and is at the age where everything goes to the mouth. She loves breastfeeding but also loves water. My oldest, on the other hand, is preschool-ready, and I’ll be honest, I am still trying to get a hang of the learn-at-home route. I am actively figuring out what works for us, it isn’t the easiest and it definitely requires patience. My preschooler loves to play which requires me to be extremely creative when teaching her.

Stress Relievers.

Some stress reliever I’ve been using that works for me in my downtime is Afrobeat. I love to dance, and love some good Afrobeat. I love reading the Bible, and although I usually pray daily, I’ve found that I’ve been praying frequently. Another thing I enjoy doing is stretching, the kids love it too, a win for them and a win for me. I meditate as well but my MIND! is on overdrive after like 6 minutes, thinking of something that isn’t relevant, but meditating helps calm the anxious feelings I experience. Since meditating is a bit of a challenge, I practice envisioning. This works tremendously in uplifting, I do this daily, it is definitely a mood booster, and another method I use to attract.

Spoke about envisioning in my previous blog post. My Birth Story, vol 2, which is what I did to attract Destiney, my oldest. In my downtime, I also practice documenting my feelings. This post might have been tucked away in my journal but I am happy it made it here because, why not?

If you take anything away from this post, let it be that being a stay-at-home mother ain’t no joke, and it is certainly not for the faint at heart, and WE have the power to make the best out of our daily moments. Which is what I do daily. I love you, and I never want you to leave this space feeling low, but instead, inspired. 🤍