5 life-changing tips.

5 life changing tips 1

So, in case you’re new here, My name is Danicker. I am a stay-at-home mother. God gifted me with, not one, but two beautiful daughters. We decided to name our gifts Destiney and Lunar. I started this personal blog because 1. I love documenting. And 2. I wanted to document the most important parts of my journey in life, openly with others. Over the past couple of years, I have been intentionally working on myself. I have also been encouraging others in my close circle to do the same. Today I am happy to give you 5 life changing tips.

5 life changing tips | Danicker Virgil
First life-changing tip – GRATITUDE.

Gratitude really does go a long way. It gets you through the tough times and it makes so much sense why you should be grateful, especially during the tough times. Here’s a scenario. So, I am presently living in my parents’ house. Despite me and my kids being the main occupants, it irks me so bad. All I really desire is to live in our own home and to be comfortable in a space we design. It took me probably, about a couple of weeks to realize, I can either sit and worry about the future. Or, I can choose to be grateful for having a good house to live in, while I steadily work toward creating my own.

How I see life is that everything happens for a reason, there’s no coincidence. if there’s a disappointment, I believe God, will present you with a better result.

Here’s an exercise: notice the next disappointment that occurs in your life. Be genuinely grateful for that disappointment. Pay attention to the result of that disappointment.   

Second life-changing tip – READ MORE.

Not everyone enjoys reading and I understand that. There are audiobooks though, which means, you do not have to sit and read. Instead, you can listen to your favorite books. How convenient is that? Now you have no excuses. But for real though, if you’re not reading, OR LISTENING! what are you waiting for my friend? I cannot tell you all the knowledge I have gained from reading. My favorite type of books to read is self-development books. Biographies are great too. The more you read the more informed you become.

Do not be the kind of person who takes no for an answer. Be the kind of person who has questions and is willing to search for the answers…


I do not know why the heck I even care to stress myself, like seriously Danicker? you have so much more to focus on. People have their own opinions, and that also includes opinions about you.  When I mentioned I’ve been intentionally working on myself, this point here is one of my main focuses. I’ll be honest, I have not yet mastered this. However, I have been learning to carefully choose my responses.

Proverbs 13:3 is a great guide that I reflect on when there’s temptation.  

“Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin…”

Fourth life-changing tip – EAT YOUR MEDICINE.

This tip goes back to the first tip. One way I am going to always honor and express my gratitude to God for my life is by the way I eat. I am grateful to be alive and I do not take that for granted. I love eating natural foods that have great health benefits for the body. When I eat food I envision it supporting different organs in the body. I’m here to inspire you to do the same. When you eat foods that support the body, that’s life-changing, right? Think about it.


The right people in your life can either make you or break you. It would be so much better to have a community with similar goals. Rather than a community of people projecting their fears, opinions, lack of knowledge, and insecurities on others. Ugh… it’s not always easy to find an established community with shared goals, but I believe we are innovators; when you cannot find one, you build one.

I wish you nothing short of love, peace, and light.

Post recommendation.

10 self-help books you should read.