The importance of abstaining from sexual activities.

The importance of abstaining from sexual activities

Ok, so this Is getting personal. But these are the conversations that are needed. The fact that I’ve just finished reading The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck. There is no better time to write this post than now. I’ve been slowly finding my voice and it feels great because these are the conversations I care to share my thoughts on. Where is a better place to communicate that, other than in this space? some of you may cringe at this topic, while some of you may embrace it. Hear me out though.

A little of me.
The importance of abstaining from sexual activities

My thoughts on sexual activity in one word, is sacred. I consider it to be sacred. It is from God. It is deep. it is pure. it’s how we find pleasure, and also how we create life.

Every activity we do requires our energy. Sex is the same, it is an activity that requires energy. When you connect with someone else, it’s your energy connecting with there’s. I see it as the most intimate level of connection someone can experience with another person. You do not want to give your energy to any and everyone. Especially if they are not in alignment with who you are. When I say who you are, I am referring to your values.

When I met my kids’ father, I made it clear I am not into any relationship based solely on sex. There are other ways to connect intimately with your significant other without sexual activity being what’s most important, and what’s keeping the relationship. When we conceived our last daughter, Lunar, (she is such a beautiful soul, my goodness. Both my kids are beau-ti-ful, souls). Before that, we had been separated for some time. Once we got back together, our first interaction we conceived her.

A couple of days after her being conceived, ( I had no definite clue she had conceived). I made it clear I no longer wanted to live like this, and I explained to him, in these words, “It just does not feel right. I feel like I am doing something wrong. And I prefer to abstain from here on out. For as long as God permits.

My perspective.

I have realized there is more to a committed relationship than sex, and sex can be made great when we’re in tune with both our spiritual and physical selves. Choosing to abstain from sex means you’re starving the flesh of its desire. Similar to fasting from food. That way you can now focus on nourishing the spiritual self. At times, sex is not the answer to a problem, but it’s what we convince ourselves we need because it is a natural desire of the human flesh to want what brings it pleasure. Temporary pleasure that is.

But once you can abstain, It is a form of self-discipline, you gain control of yourself, and your mind. Our body wants what we tell it, it wants, if that makes sense. But once you are not so focused on your wants, you will notice you are living daily and you are now able to intentionally tap into your higher self by focusing on the part of you that needs development. That is the goal of abstaining, to connect with Jesus Christ most importantly, and to connect with your higher self to cause self-improvement.

Now it is one thing to not be able to have sex for other reasons, (I mean no disrespect), and it is another thing to intentionally abstain from sexual activities for a higher cause. That cause is to work on your spiritual self. The latter is what this post is about.

Once it’s time to connect with your person, it will be a magical experience.  Considering you both are in tune with your individual selves and aligned greatly with each other.

I thank you for reading, and I wish you great discipline on your abstinence journey.

Danicker Virgil
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5 life-changing tips.
