Why my life is full of struggles.

Why my life is full of struggles
Why my life is full of struggles

Before you ask yourself “Why my life is full of struggles?” I want you to answer these questions, when you’re faced with a difficult situation in your life how do you deal with it? Do you;

(a) Believe that you will never come back from this.

(b) Believe it would not last forever.

( c ) Plan and take action to get you out of the situation, Or,

(d) Sit and act pathetic without taking any form of action, yet you hope for the best.

I am curious to know what you will do.

As for me, I’ve done all the above. Like let’s be honest though, I’m sure we all have been in a predicament where we are like, “How am I going to move forward from this?”. This leads to our pathetic behavior where we start feeling sorry for ourselves so we sit and wallow in our dismay, yet we make no attempt to better our situation simply because we lack confidence in ourselves to achieve our goals. There’s no courage. No motivation and for some reason, we’re upset with God for allowing such a “disaster” to happen to us. Which ultimately makes us believe struggles in life are all that can happen to us.

Life struggles are the best thing that will happen to us.

A few months later, you’ve finally realized no one’s coming to save you.

Such a shock to your being, now you have no choice but to pick yourself up and devise a plan to get you out of your struggle. Which is probably one of the best decisions you will ever make for yourself moving forward. Optimism is kicking in, and there’s confidence strolling not too far behind, now your belief has changed. What you once believed you would never come back from, has now changed to, “This situation would not last forever”.

It is a good thing that you’ve now woken up and smell the coffee! (well, I’m not sure if you like the smell of coffee because I don’t, but you get what I’m saying). Now you can move forward with your life.

I’ve learned struggles are temporary. What we believe is what will eventually become our reality. (Read that again).

(Take this time to pause and reflect on that highlighted sentence for 2 minutes. What do you believe about yourself or your reality?)

Overcome your struggles.

I no longer choose to focus on why my life is full of struggles, instead, I am embracing my struggles. Since they’re temporary situations that God allows to happen to us, maybe there’s a lesson to be learned. At least so I believe.

Today I am choosing to learn that lesson and I advised you to do too. I do not believe we were created to struggle, instead, I believe our struggles were created to help build who we need to become in this life. Which means we cannot avoid it but work with it. The sooner you decide to learn from your struggles the sooner you overcome them.

The sun is lovely, it’s bright and full of glory; we know this as daytime.

The moon is lovely too; it produces calming energy and we know it signifies nighttime.

Both elements are great but too much of any may not be good for humankind, and so they both teach us the importance of balance.

We need night as much as we need day.

I can imagine living a life where everything goes according to our will. That will be one perfect life. We’d all be perfect human beings. There would be no need to learn because we know everything so we make no mistakes.

But that’s only my imagination and not our reality; at least not in this lifetime, because we’re all imperfect human beings designed to learn.

Re-arrange your mind.

By now, I am sure you’ve gotten my point. But in case you missed it, let me briefly repeat it.

Instead of looking at your struggles negatively. Maybe it’s time to look at it positively and think this is happening to teach me something that I need to learn, so I can become a better individual. As much as the enemy wants you to believe you’re the only person experiencing your situation and you’re not capable of achieving your goals; this post serves to let you know you’re not the only person and our struggles are meant to awaken us to the new chapter of our life if we’re willing to persevere.

Instead of angrily asking yourself “Why my life is full of struggles?” Change your mindset to understand struggles are meant to be a temporary experience for us and not our long-term reality. Understand this, so you can now take advantage of your situation, to become a better person in life.

One lesson we all can learn is that our struggles teach us to appreciate what we may have once taken for granted, or saw no significant value in.

Danicker Virgil
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