The Ultimate Guide to Self Improvement

The Ultimate Guide To Self Improvement
The Ultimate Guide To Self Improvement | Danicker Virgil

Can we all take a moment to realize those instances where we craved growth within ourselves? Feeling bored and tired of the same old you. If you’re someone who does not fancy change and you’re cool with staying the same for the rest of your life, then this post might not be relevant for you. If you care about improving yourself (like me), then read on because I’ve spent my precious time creating The Ultimate Guide to Self-Improvement for you, and me. But like I was saying, if you have been feeling the urge for something new I consider that urge to be your highest self wanting to be born. Or let’s just say God is urging you to drop old interests or what you’re accustomed to, and develop new ones.

Post Layout
What Is Self-Improvement.
Snack Recommendation to Get Before Consuming Content.
Your Hint that the Conclusion is Approaching.
List of Books to Cause Self-Improvement.
YouTube Channel Recommendation for Self-Improvement.
The Ultimate Guide To Self-Improvement Conclusion.
What is self-improvement?

My simple definition of self-improvement is to self-improve; that’s it.

But according to Merriam-Webster, “Self-improvement is the act of improving oneself through one’s own effort”.

Oxford English Dictionary also states, “Self-improvement means improving one’s own character, status, and knowledge by one’s own effort”.

I have created this guide to be very brief, yet detailed so that YOU do not get bored and fall asleep while reading.

Yes you can go ahead and grab yourself some tortilla chips and a glass of fresh carrot juice.

# 1 on this list is to stop eating late at night. I know I know, I also have the habit of waking late at night to eat some good-tasting homemade nut milk and cereal. That habit is not healthy for our bodies. I am an early bird, (being a mother I do not think I have another option). My body feels amazing when I consume water, tea, or fresh juice about 2 hours before bed. I feel energized and alert the following morning. This is absolutely necessary considering the nature of my job, which entails analyzing the forex charts and making good judgment before opening entries.

I am not saying you will feel the way I do if you do what I do. Of course, there are many other contributions to feeling your best. However, it is worth trying consistently for one month. I’ve mentioned forex trading earlier;

#2 is to learn a new skill or to be more specific, a high-paying skill. We’re in digital times, my friends. I have managed to learn the art of forex trading, you can read about that when you’re free. The key to mastering a new skill is to be consistent. I am three years in and there are times when I’ve felt like giving up, which actually happened recently.

But I had to remember my mother desires all those expensive materials in life and if I give up, I’ll give her another reason to tell me about all the money she spent to send me to different schools, (only one point in this sentence is true). But you get what am saying. Learn a new skill; it does not have to be a high-income skill, but, if we’re talking self-improvement, you cannot go wrong with extra cash (it actually depends). Always remember YOUR WHY, especially when you feel discouraged, and remain consistent with that skill.

Don’t worry, we’re almost through.

Point #3 in The Ultimate Guide To Self Improvement is to stop scrolling on social media. Give social media a break from time to time. I am on a two-month break from Instagram because, besides YouTube, that is the platform I spend a lot of my time on. Yes, I am very “active” on there.

I know you just read that, and you’re probably on your way to search for me.

My account literally has no post (yet), and a very tiny (dot) following. This won’t be forever though; I have plans to actually start utilizing that platform in the very near future. But anyway, I follow two handful of people who inspire me, and I sit there sometimes for hours scrolling. It’s draining, just stop scrolling, log out, and take an intentional break. Focus on your real life and whatever it is you have going.

Maybe you like watching homes in Calgary, or window shopping for vintage clothing online. Whatever your goals are in life, focus on doing things to achieve them.

My dear friends, we’ve come to the last point on this list, #4 which is to do the da*n thing and stop second-guessing yourself. You’re either gonna fail at it or succeed. The chances of you succeeding are higher than failing. Around here, we learn from our failures; which we consider to be a success. It may not be the result you expected.

But here’s the thing, if you “fail” and you are sure that going after that goal is a great decision, you try again. That is how you partner with God to succeed in your goal. Try again after each failure, (as long as it’s worth it).

List of Books to Cause Self-Improvement .

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health.

The Now Habit.

YouTube Channel Recommendation for Self-Improvement.

Here is a YouTube channel I recommend to help you on your self-improvement journey. I believe this channel will inspire you in one way or the other, and this is the Jay Shetty Podcast, YouTube Channel.

The Ultimate Guide to Self-Improvement Conclusion.

To conclude this Self Improvement Guide, my final thought is that self-improvement looks different to each individual because we all have different goals and purposes in life. There is no better guide for self-improvement than God. I believe calling on God for direction and putting trust in our Creator, is The Ultimate Guide to Self-Improvement.