Change perspective.

Change perspective
Change perspective


Change your perspective and you’ll change the way you make decisions moving forward. Everyone you come into contact with in your life will not align with your beliefs and values.

Every individual journey throughout life is more than likely to be different in some way or the other because our purposes are different.

You view others at their highest level and their potential capabilities. You enjoy being a part of other’s growth. It’s time to come to terms with who they are in reality and focus less on who you envisioned them to be.

People choose their own parts in life, leading to their destiny. As much as it may seem wrong to you. It probably feels very right to them, and that is why they keep choosing it.

Do not continue hurting yourself trying to prove to others the vision you have for their life. You are not God, and they do not have to conform to your way.

That’s your problem, you care too much to the point that you’re trying to fix others to see what you see.

Or should I say live the life you choose to live? And you’re wondering why they don’t get it.

But it’s not them, it’s you. They are not “getting it”, or maybe they are, but whatever it is, it’s not meant to be.

We live freely by being who we were created to be.

Focus on moving forward on your part. You are on your journey. They are on theirs.

As I’ve previously said, we do not always align with each other. If you must, (which you should), release who and what no longer aligns with you.

Now that you have the understanding, it might be difficult to actually live in acceptance.

However, accepting the reality of your situation will help you on your journey.


Envision yourself on a tract and there are people walking by, (these people are the people you’ve come into contact with in your real life). Some are walking with you, some are walking ahead of you, and some are walking behind you.

Nevertheless, everyone is on their journey fulfilling their purpose.

No matter how many persons you’ve become acquainted with on your journey including your parents and your kids. You are on your journey fulfilling your purpose.

Instead of trying to conform the people you are familiar with. How about accepting everyone for who they are? and if you cannot, release them.

The people that are meant to walk with you in this stage of your life will align with who you are and you will align with who they are.

Your journey was given to you, and how you experience that journey (life), depends on your relationship with yourself and God.

(When you were a child, you relied on someone else to dictate your journey. But as you’ve gained knowledge and understanding, it’s between you and God).

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Become the person who allows others to be themselves around you freely.

To achieve this, live by being your truest highest self.

Have faith that if the people around you, need your help in any way (encouragement, motivation, support, to hold them accountable). They are going to express this to you. Without you having to do too much appearing as if you are forcing your way on others.

Trust God to guide you to serve the people who will benefit from your capabilities.

Make the best out of your journey moving forward.

Finally, I want to encourage you to revert to this post, time and time again when you need a reminder and a pick-me-up.

Yours truly,

Danicker Virgil

Keep reading, Some of us are submitted to the wrong man.