Your goals are worth achieving.

Your goals are worth achieving
Your goals are worth achieving | Danicker Virgil

I do not talk much, unless well, I have something to say.

I’m not about conforming to fit in. Tell me there’s one way to achieve a goal and I’ll tell you there are many other ways.

In case this post brought you to this website. Allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is Danicker, and I gave birth to two girls within five years. Both pregnancies were planned. I have decided to take a leap of faith to become a stay-at-home mother since my first daughter was at the age of 30 months. I had no financial backup plans and as a result, I relied heavily on my skill to trade currencies…

The desire I have to create a part to achieve my long-term goal, stems from how deeply my faith is rooted in God.  I believe one of the reasons Jesus Christ died for us, is so that we can have the life we desire; while remaining in His presence, and Him in ours.

For your information: I have no intention to push my belief on others through my posts, but when I have the opportunity, I will speak of where my faith lies because it is evident in my life. I am sorry, but if you cannot resonate, that is ok, and maybe at this time in your life, this may not be the most appropriate space for you.

Take a different route but achieve the goal anyway.

Susan’s goal is not Jake’s goal. Some people are so caught up in other people’s goals that they barely know what their goals are or why they are even doing what they do. You want to do something because the majority is doing it? okay.

For the ones who actually have a purpose for why they want to achieve a goal, maybe this is for you. That goal could simply be being at home with your kids every day for the rest of your life, and baking cookies with them every two days while listening to bible stories. Or it could be starting a small nut milk business and driving around your neighborhood selling nut milk to your neighbors because you learn about the negative impact dairy has on the human body.

When you have a main goal, there are going to be many routes you can take to get there. Some routes are more difficult when compared to other routes, but that should not make you give up on your goal.

Here’s what’s up; some people – am speaking of the ones who believe in “the system”. You know who they are, “or should I start calling names?”. Those types are going to judge your decisions, they are going to tell you what you should have done instead, or what you should be doing.

They do not believe in making mistakes, and if everything is looking positive for them as opposed to your situation, they would even judge you harder because they think they are doing something right, (maybe they are), and they automatically think they are qualified to give you advice.

You want to know what makes them different from you and why they ARE NOT qualified to give you advice?

They go with the “flow”, you do not…

The way you see life is different from how they see life. Your advice might be beneficial to them because of the way you think, (free thinker), especially if you are highly intellectual. But most of the time, their advice is not really beneficial for you, based on your goals. And of course, no one is better than the other person, we just approach life differently.

We do not bash over here or downplay anyone’s choice, but it is important to acknowledge the difference between you and the people who are around you trying to give you advice. After all, we suddenly become similar to the people we surround ourselves with or take advice from.

Most of our help might come from those same people around us because of course nothing happens by coincidence. So, it is also important to remain grateful and appreciative that God equipped us with those people who give us the help we need while we transition to the next stage of our life journey.

You can be very appreciative, like myself, but still take advice selectively. Some advice we intentionally seek from others, and some advice we just need to seek from God.

When you allow God to be your guide in life, your decisions will not make sense to others.

Especially when it’s the unconventional way.

Let me tell you something, “come closer”. Your goals are still worth achieving. your goal does not have to change, but what can change is the route you take to achieve that goal. Sometimes the route we take to achieve our goals, may not be the best route that fits our current situation. You might be giving something your all, but it’s not working out, at times it simply means we need to try a different route. You are not giving up on your goal, what you are giving up on is the route you were taking to get to your goal.

Other closed-minded people might think you are giving up, because they hear the term, “never give up..” and they do not fully comprehend what that means. They are the ones who are scared to give up, (fail), and try again.

God did not create you to have the same story as everyone you listen to. You are unique and your journey is your story. It is more so about your journey, and less about the actual goal.

You are blessed by God and your faith should only be rooted in God.

Danicker Virgil