The topic of SUCCEEDING.

the topic of succeeding
the topic of succeeding | Danicker Virgil

I hear the saying, “You take life way too seriously.” And you know what, I’ve realized that statement confuses me. Like I need more explanation, what do you mean? Why the heck would you not want to take life seriously? I’m spooked by people who make this statement because now my mind is thinking you do not take life seriously. Right there, the topic of succeeding comes to mind. I now begin to assume, ok maybe you just live life each day as it comes with no sense of direction; you do whatever you want; you do not care about your purpose for existing; I mean shit, you’re hooking up with random strangers. You know, all these thoughts come to my mind when I hear a statement like this.

I think life is meant to be, taken seriously, considering I only know about my earthly existence now. I do not know what there is in the future. So, to actually go with the “flow” it would have to actually make sense to me. It needs to be purpose-full, and if that is what makes someone say you’re taking life too seriously, then maybe I am. But I am not going to… let’s say get a new car, for example, when there’s clearly nothing wrong with the one, I’m driving. It has been taking me where I need to go, it looks decent internally and externally, and I am comfortable driving it. It may not be the latest year, but that is not a valid reason to want a new one.

Now I say ALL that to say, are you really succeeding in life?

In my adult years, I’ve learned success looks different for everyone. Where I am in life, I consider myself to be very successful; there’s still a lot of room for growth though, and I intend to maximize my full potential, but I am very successful and I say that confidently, and I want to take this moment to thank The Almighty for this confidence.

In the post, Living in Purpose through Motherhood, you’ll know I believe we all have a purpose.

Now, someone else may see my situation as unsuccessful, but the difference between them and I, is that what is successful to me is not what’s considered successful to them; vice versa. I confidently say I am succeeding because I am doing what I desire to do, which stemmed from how I grew up as a child. I have no intentions for my kids to grow up the way I did when I was a child and I believe it is my purpose to ensure this by breaking that cycle. (The road has not been easy, but I know it is worth it even during the challenge, and my kids will be grateful that I took the leap of faith).

There’s a difference when you’re doing something just because it will look good. It’s trending, everyone is doing it. It’s easy to do. Other people will praise you, and it brings you earthly gains. But you’re not feeling fulfilled.

Compared to when you’re actually doing something because you feel called to it, you feel like that is your purpose. It’s fulfilling a desire within you. It’s not only benefiting you, but it is for a greater cause.

There’s a significant difference between the two. I wouldn’t say you’re taking life too seriously. What I’ll say is you’re very intentional with your actions and I truly believe that is necessary to succeed in your goals.

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Danicker Virgil