Everyone Has An Opinion.

Everyone has a opinion
Everyone has a opinion

Every human has an opinion, including myself, I’m no exception. And the thing that makes it prominent is social media. Everyone has got something to say and there are people who care to listen, watch, or read. The world is just so loud, and all I see are people who – sound the same, look the same, speak the same, and behave the same.

It’s okay to seek inspiration, which, to be honest, is not always necessary, because if our God is a Creator, then we’re all in some way blessed with the ability to create.  We just have to tap into that. Instead of seeking outside inspiration, such as ideas, we have the potential to allow our inspiration to come from within.

And right there you have it. There goes my opinion, and that is exactly my point.

Everyone has got a gad damn opinion. There is just so much information. Having platforms to express our freedom of speech and self, is great, but that also creates clones. Hardly anyone being their true self and expressing themselves truthfully. The term expression here; means living.

Why do we have to wake up by 6 AM? Some rich guys say so. Why do we need to eat breakfast?  Maybe our popular nutritionist says so.  Who says we have to keep bettering ourselves?

Why are you doing what you’re doing? Is it because you want to do so, or is it because you saw someone doing it, and now you think it’s okay to do it? But if you’re being honest, you felt the need to do it before, but you were scared of how others would perceive you.

Be you. You do not need outside validation.

There is no need to be in the loop of living out someone else opinion. Content is mass-produced on social platforms daily because people have the freedom to create. However, we also have the freedom to be conscious consumers. Consuming only what is necessary and good for us while also limiting too much of the same type of content. Give yourself space and downtime to freely be who you are.

I desire to be myself and express myself freely. Not having much care for how others will perceive me. Because every time I do, I hold myself back. My opinions in this space, are just, opinions. They are not meant for anyone to overly consume and shape their life around such, because who am I? I’m just a girl living this life like everyone else. This is just one way of me being me. I like this, and I’m passionate about it, so I do it.

Do more of what you like, and live expressively. Be who you are. Stop overly consuming content or should I say others’ opinions and allow yourself to be bored.

No one is obligated to do anything in this life. Apart from living a life that is pleasing to God. And even that, we all have a choice; because God gives us free will to choose. However, for me, that is an obligation because as I’ve mentioned in a previous post. God is my enabler and I am not solely in control of myself.