It’s time to hold yourself accountable.

I was excited to write this. I’m looking forward to reading this at a later date. Had an entire script in my head while making lime juice and dancing with my toddler in my arms, trying to keep her awake. It reminded me how much of a clown I am when I’m alone with my kids. (A side of me that no one else will never, ever experience, because, how dare you, Danicker!)

Anyways, might I say, I surprised myself, I forgot how great I am at making lime juice.

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But the point of this post isn’t about my extremely refreshing lime juice. It is about you. me. us. knowing that it is ok to hold ourselves accountable for decisions we’ve made in the past and also decisions we’re yet to make.

Some people do not like to be held accountable. And it shows because they do not even hold themself accountable.

There are so many cultural trends and worldly standards that cause others to be influenced. And when we allow ourselves to be caught up in these standards, it can sometimes cloud biblical standards, which are the standards believers should strive to live by.

There are times when decisions a person made in their past may not have been based on biblical standards. My self being an example, I have two lovely kids. However, never once was I married. I did not know the importance of marriage prior, and what It means to God. I also was not taught about the importance of it, before having kids. In addition, I did not understand why abstinence before marriage is important.

Because I’ve made such poor decisions in the past due to lack of proper teaching, I prefer to make better decisions that are of God, moving forward, now that I know the right thing. It would be intentional ignorance to know the right thing yet still continue to do the wrong thing. I care too much, and I am responsible for my actions.

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Your mistakes do not determine your future, when you submit to God.

I’ll never stop saying I live by faith. Because I literally live by faith, and no worldly standards can define what my future will look like, because of certain decisions I’ve made in the past. Listening to worldly teaching causes a person to compare themselves to others, resulting in a feeling of worthlessness. We know comparison is the thief of our joy. There is no limit on me because my father is not limited. I will continue to achieve my goals in spite of, because, I have faith in God and I believe in myself. There are certain people that will behave in a way as though to make you feel some type of way about decisions you’ve previously made, but there’s a scripture that says, “why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

The God I have faith in can do far more than I can ever think or imagine, for me. I am excited to experience what my future life would be like. If you trust in our Heavenly Father, you should be too.

Being a female, and a mother to two girls, I would like for females to stop seeking validation from this world, by trying to live up to its standards. To understand faith is to know that no matter what our situation is, when we submit to God and trust in God, He will direct our parts.

Poor decisions are made, yes, (those that go against biblical standards). Take accountability for your actions in the past. Understand where you’re currently at in life, and make the decision to live pleasingly to God, moving forward.

His word said when you seek me you will find me. Believe this. As long as we live, It is never too late to go to God, and a person can never be too broken to go to God. His word encourages us to come as you are.