Prayer & Faith.

Prayer & Faith | Danicker Virgil

You know, as I was reflecting and observing. It came to me how much confusion stirs up when someone openly starts developing their relationship with God. But I have a few questions.

why would you not want to develop your relationship with God?

We all take chances on other things not knowing the outcomes, but we always hope for the best.

Why not take a chance with God? What do you have to lose?

Prayer & Faith | Danicker Virgil
I am a believer.

For everything I have ever prayed for in the past and it has since come to fruition, I thank God because before it all happened God is whom I prayed to. That includes my pregnancies, leaving my part-time job to be at home, finishing high school with the exact subjects I prayed for, me coming out of a relationship that I asked God to take me out of… God has been really showing up for me. I refuse to let pride or ignorance be the reason I hold it all in. In the past, I was filled with pride. If I can share my journey in hopes of influencing you to build your relationship with God, then I will.

I know a lot of people who are believers, but their experience is not mine. I want to experience God myself; I refuse to experience God based on someone else’s judgment or opinion. It baffles me how people are not willing to dedicate themselves to God, however, they will rather judge someone who does, or assume there’s not a God because of someone else’s experience. In anything you do you have to apply yourself. Also, the goal Is to focus on your development as a being, not on what anyone else has going on.

I am not into all the different “sides,” but I do believe congregation is important, and, I am still allowing myself to be led accordingly. Regarding the bible, I do read the bible daily. I view the bible as a guide. A guide on how to live a God-pleasing life and as a tool in times of distress. In saying that I also detach myself from the bible. This is a way I stay grounded in myself to make sense of it all and not become closed off. (I may explain this in the future).

Build your relationship with God through PRAYER & FAITH.

As a believer in God, PRAYER & FAITH is what I live by more than anything else. I cannot see there is a God, but I do believe there is a God, and that God is whom I pray to daily; giving thanks for it all, as well as making requests. I’ve only recently incorporated bible study into my daily routine. In the past, I rarely studied the bible but I always would pray.

Prayer is your way to communicate with God. You may not know what to say but say something such as “Today was a good day God, I thank you, I enjoyed my lunch today, I thank you for everyone who prepared it…” Now, God may not answer you as you expect, but that’s where FAITH comes in, because now you are there having a conversation and you strongly believe that God is hearing you. That is FAITH.

My belief yields FAITH and FAITH is what I walk by. Before I make most decisions I pray about it, after I pray about it, I wait for a response from God because I believe God WILL respond. The time-span I do not know; however, I just wait. Some answers are sooner than others. While I am waiting it is important for me to separate myself from distractions and become in alignment with what I prayed for.

That prayer can be anything as simple as, “God what outfit should I wear tomorrow?” My point here is to acknowledge God in all you do so that you can build a relationship with God. It’s just you and God, no one else. When I am making a request, I include, “God if it is your will, let it be done”. It’s only right because sometimes we make a request that is not in alignment with what God has for us.

When you put your full trust in God to full-fill your desires and to be your guide on your journey throughout life, your actions and demeanor will reflect FAITH instead of fear, because YOU KNOW God has got you.

I thank you for reading, and I trust this post is of value to you.

Danicker Virgil
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