28 lessons I’ve learned from life thus far.

28 lessons I've learned from life thus far | Danicker Virgil

I have to confess. Putting together this list of 28 lessons I’ve learned from life thus far was not one of the easiest posts. It obviously required me to think and do some reflecting, but without any delays, let’s get into it, because I am super excited to share these 28 lessons I’ve learned from life thus far.

Recommendation: You might wanna grab yourself some tortilla chips and a refreshing drink.

28 lessons I've learned from life thus far | Danicker Virgil

1. I will start by saying I have learned attending preschool to secondary is not necessary for education. Educating can ALSO be done at home during that period of a child’s life.

2. Although I enjoy the convenience of purchasing food out. There’s nothing better than being able to prepare my own meals. I happily prefer to prepare everything I eat, and, it tastes better too. (No shade).

3. I’ve learned to not have regrets regarding decisions I’ve made in the past because in most instances there was a greater reward and being stuck in the past hardly does anything good for you positively.

4. Success for everyone looks different.

5. Life has taught me to pray and to pray without ceasing. Acknowledge God in everything you do, and God WILL direct your part. For an in-depth talk about my journey with God, Please check out the following post,

……. Prayer & Faith……..

6. I’ve learned despite being scared of all the jumpy, crawly, wiggly creatures, I do prefer to grow my own food and I actually enjoy doing so.

7. Ohh! This had to be a lesson, My strong desire to be at home with my kids stems from growing up in a separate environment from my mom due to the fact that my mom worked in the United Kingdom, while my sibling and I lived in the Caribbean. This experience has greatly taught me, and I am grateful for that stage of my existence, though it was not mentally and emotionally easy for me.

8. In life you can connect the dots only when you have reflected, and one of the most important lessons I’ve learned thus far is that everything will happen how it is destined to happen, and when you’re in the present, only then can you make sense of the past.

9. Social media is a great distraction from reality.

10. Those routine jabs that are given to kids, (I know you know what am speaking about), are not important to raise healthy kids.

11. It is important that we thrive to heal our entire being, while on our healing journey. Healing is not just for the physical body (which we tend to focus most of our healing toward), but for the emotional, mental and spiritual self as well.

12. While we are on the topic of healing, can I just say I have also learned that someone who is not healed, from a hurtful breakup specifically, has the potential to hurt the other person/persons they establish a relationship with.

12. I’ve learned HOW to love myself. I am God’s creation and I thank God daily for my existence, despite what my experiences are in life. I take care of me, I speak kind words to myself daily. I nourish my body mainly with well-prepared meals. I observe my being, and give it the attention it needs.  Love yourself and it will be the foundation for how you will love and receive others.

13. Being a stay-at-home mother IS NOT easy. It requires commitment. Listening more than speaking. It requires selflessness. It requires you to be observant. Motherhood requires you to seek direction. It requires you to care for others more than you care for yourself. I understand why God chose me to do this.

14. Another big life lesson I’ve learned thus far is; God will allow situations to happen to you to bring you closer to him.

15. I thought about this point for a while and I’ve come to the realization that there is no one thing I love doing. I love many activities and I open myself to new experiences if I feel called.

16. I cannot control the actions of others, but instead, I can control how I respond to their actions.

17. True self-growth requires you to be in solitude for a period of time. When you are in solitude there is where you discover your strengths and your weaknesses.

18. A child does not need store-bought milk to develop healthily and breast milk on its own is sufficient to raise a healthy child. I speak this from experience with my 2 kids who were strictly breastfed.

19.  I have learned that habits whether good or bad, will lead to you eventually accomplishing something. That something can be negative or positive.

20. Accepting others how they are is better than trying to force my way on others.

21. Have you ever been taught something, but you just prefer to not know? After all these years, that was my reality when I learned that My body DOES NOT LIKE beans and dairy products. Truth be told since I’ve acquired the taste for cheese and lentils, it has been a serious battle to let them both go.

22. Why did I take so long to mention this? Boundaries. Another one of the biggest lessons I have learned from life thus far is the importance of setting boundaries. I do not mean rude, but I am going to tell you what is acceptable and what’s not.

23. Life has taught me to be considerate of others because someone, (I’ll use myself for example), may be experiencing something internally but no one knows because I do not share that part. What I learn from this is that, if I am feeling this way, I am sure there are others who feel similarly.

24. On this note, life has taught me to love more and hate less. My wish is that everyone achieve their goals, once it aligns with God’s will. Even those people whom I do not know. I honestly enjoy seeing other’s achievements and I want to know about them because it inspires me. I want to learn how to love others and how to constantly display that.

25. Situations do not always happen as you planned for them to happen.

26. To some people their life was “short-lived” in this world, this has taught me to be very grateful, to God, for my ongoing existence.

27. At some point in life it will be beneficial to come out of your comfort zone.

28. Fear is really a lack of faith in God.

I said 28 lessons, but let’s do 30. 30 is a great number.

29. Doing things to make others happy and neglecting your desires, or happiness is not always rewarding.

30. Life has taught me to value others’ time, effort, and commitment. Time wasted, truly can not be regained.

Danicker Virgil
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